Prof. Dr. Nedjeljka Žagar

Foto: Nedjeljka Zagar
Research fields
- Atmospheric Dynamics and Predictability
- Data Assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction
- Numerical Modelling
- For details, visit the group webpage
Research Interests
My research focuses on the role of the tropics in global predictability and on understanding how tropical processes shape global variability and its representation in weather and climate models. My group develops and applies a hierarchy of numerical models for atmospheric dynamics and data assimilation, and novel diagnostic methods for the scale and dynamical regime decomposition of the global circulation.
Curriculum Vitae
Academic career
- Professor of theoretical meteorology at University of Hamburg (Since 03/2019)
- Professor of meteorology at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Assistant Professor 10/2005-07/2012, Associate professor 08/2012-05/2017, Full Professor since 06/2017)
- Postdoctoral fellow of the Advanced Study Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA (10/2006-09/2008)
- PhD in Dynamical Meteorology at Stockholm University, Sweden (05/2004)
Academic Distinctions
- Editors' award of the Royal Meteorological Society (2022)
- Award of the Slovenian Meteorological Society for research excellence (2012)
- ERC starting grant, the MODES project, (2011)
- Advanced Study Program Postdoctoral fellowship, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA (2006)
- “The World Meteorological Organisation Research Award for 2005 for Young scientists” for the paper entitled “Assimilation of equatorial waves by line-of-sight wind observations”, published in J. Atmos. Sci, 61, pp 1877-1893 (2005)
- “Sigrid Arrhenius stipendium”, 2004 annual award of the Faculty of Science, Stockholm University for the best research leading to the PhD thesis at the Faculty of Science (2004)
Academic Service (past 5 years)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)
- Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)
- Member of the International Commission on Dynamical Meteorology (ICDM) by IAMAS
- Member of the European Space Agency “Aeolus Phase E2 Science and Data Quality Advisory Group”
- Associate editor of the special Aeolus paper collection in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
- Associate editor of the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (Till 2020)
- Alumni of the Young Academy of Europe since 2019
- Member of the Physics Department board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Till 02/2019)
- Coordinator of the meteorology studies at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (Till 02/2019)
Other academic articles
Žagar, N., J. Bojarova, N. Gustafsson, T. Janjić, G-J. Marseille, M. Rennie, A. Stoffelen and M. Šavli, 2017: Summary of Ljubljana workshop on “Mesoscale data assimilation and the role of winds in limited-area models for NWP in Europe”, ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter, 8, 119-123. Also at
Žagar, N., M. Blaauw, B. Jesenko and L. Magnusson, 2016: Diagnosing model performance in the tropics. ECMWF newsletter, 147, 26-33. Available from