Models and Tools
The atmospheric dynamics group at University of Hamburg develops and maintains a hierarchy of modelling tools that are used within CEN and worldwide to address basic research questions in atmosphere and climate sciences. The “animals" of our zoo are also applied in our courses on atmospheric dynamics across scales, numerical methods, data assimilation and numerical weather prediction.
Models and Tools of TM Zoo
PUMA: The Portable University Model of the Atmosphere, an atmospheric circulation model consisting of a dynamical core based on the Primitive Equations with simple parametrisations for friction and diabatic heating (Rayleigh friction, Newtonian cooling).
PlaSim: The Planet Simulator, a coupled system of climate components for Earth, Mars and other planets developed as a model of intermediate complexity.
MODES: The MODES software is available to the atmospheric research community. The software description is available here . The MODES team is happy to provide advice for the software installation and its application to the NWP and climate 3D dataset. In order to access the software, please submit the form here.
TIGAR: TIGAR stands for the Transient Inertia-Gravity And Rossby wave dynamics model. It is a dynamical model for high-accuracy prediction of wave interactions with gravity and Rossby wave decomposition enabled through the use of the Hough harmonics as basis functions.
CAT: CAT stands for Computer Aided Turbulence. It is a solver of the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation using the pseudo-spectral method.
MAD: Moist Atmosphere Dynamics, alternatively Moisture Aerosol Dynamics, model simulates horizontal motions associated with a single baroclinic vertical mode, together with moisture and aerosol dynamics. The nonlinear rotating shallow water equations, moisture and tracer conservation equations are solved using the 2D FFT and the model extension zone approach originally developed for the spectral numerical weather prediction models.
MADDAM: Extension of MAD which includes its tangent-linear and adjoint models and four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var), MADAM stands for Moist Atmosphere Dynamics/Moisture Aerosol Dynamics Data Assimilation Model. MADDAM provides a unique research tool for studying moisture-aerosol-dynamics interactions in 4D-Var in relation to the flow and data assimilation modelling.