Research Highlight
New theory for the generation of mixed Rossby-gravity waves
The mixed Rossby-gravity (MRG) waves (Figure 1) are known to contribute significantly to tropical variability; therefore, understanding their generation is important for the predictability of tropical weather. However, earlier theories of the MRG excitation could not explain the scale selection.
Maho et al. introduced a new theory of the MRG wave excitation that leads to the MRG waves with horizontal scales that correspond to the synoptic scales observed in the tropical upper troposphere. The key aspect of the new theory is the interaction between waves emanating from tropical heat sources and an asymmetric subtropical zonal jet.
Figure 1. Horizontal structure of the winds and geopotential height perturbations of zonal wavenumber 1 spherical MRG wave. Positive and negative geopotential height is shown by red and blue shades. From
The new mechanisms was derived using idealized simulations with the Transient Inertia-gravity and Rossby wave dynamics (TIGAR) model which solves the rotating shallow water (RSW) equations on the sphere using Hough harmonics ( as spectral expansion basis, thereby representing MRG waves as prognostic variables. The simulations involved a tropical heat source mimicking convection and a geostrophically balanced zonal background flow comprising of symmetrical and asymmetrical jets (Figure 2). By asymmetry, we mean that the flow field has asymmetric component with respect to the equator. In addition, we applied a linear TIGAR model, which solves the RSW equations linearized around the zonal background flow. The tropical heat source generates a spectrum of Rossby and inertia-gravity waves that interact with the asymmetric jet, and this gives rise to MRG waves. Presence of asymmetry in the background flow was shown to be crucial for the MRG wave generation (Figure 3).
Figure 2. Snapshot of an idealized TIGAR global simulation run with a tropical heat source (purple circle). Red and blue shading denote the meridional wind perturbations (i.e. waves generated by the heat source). Shades of green and the arrows denote the background flow (asymmetric subtropical jet structure).
Figure 3. Evolution of MRG wave energy in the idealized TIGAR simulations (a) with damping and (b) with no damping. MRG waves grown only in the linearized (LZ) and non-linear (NL) simulations using asymmetric jet (ASYJET) as background flow. Background flows of symmtric jet (SYMJET) and no mean flow (NOF) do not produce MRG waves.
We quantified dynamical factors contributing to MRG wave tendencies among forcing by the asymmetric heat source, wave-wave and wave-mean flow interactions (Figure 4). We show that the impact of wave-wave interactions is small compared to the effect of wave-mean flow interactions and the asymmetric forcing. The spectrum of absolute MRG wave tendency by wave-mean flow interactions has a peak at large scales, whereas the forcing spectrum appears to be flat across large scales, which shows us that wave-mean flow interactions are responsible for the MRG wave scale selection
Figure 4. Spectra of absolute tendency of MRG waves decomposed into contribution by the forcing (Q), wave-mean flow (WMf) and wave-wave (WW) interactions. The total absolute MRGW tendency spectrum (N+Q) is shown by the thick black curve.
The results from simulations with idealised background flows was confirmed by simulations using realistic background zonal winds derived from ERA5 reanalysis data. We found that the larger the asymmetry the larger the MRG wave amplitude (Figure 5) irrespective of the symmetry of the tropical heat source. The simulations with realistic background profiles produced MRG waves with the observed (synoptic) scales.
Figure 5. MRG wave energy spectra in the TIGAR simulations using realistic background flows derived from the zonally averaged zonal wind of 200 hPa from ERA5. (a) Symmetric heat source, (b) asymmetric heat source. Shades of green and red show simulations using background flows of MAM and JJA respectively. JJA flows have higher zonal asymmetry.
This work is part of the DFG-funded project TRR181 “Energy transfers in atmosphere and ocean”.
Mahó, S. I., S. Vasylkevych, and N. Žagar, 2024: Excitation of mixed Rossby-gravity waves by wave - mean flow interactions on the sphere. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc.. DOI: 10.1002/qj.4742.
How white is the sky?
We have derived the limit spectra of the kinetic energy of vertical motions in the hydrostatic atmosphere and applied it to reanalysis data. This project has been ongoing since 2018, and it is since 2020 funded by the DFG within the TRR181 “Energy transfers in the atmosphere and ocean” project.
Within the project, we have extended the linear normal-mode function (NMF) theory to the unified computation of vertical velocities associated with the Rossby waves and inertia-gravity (IG) waves, and their zonal wavenumber kinetic energy spectra (i.e. vertical kinetic energy, or VKE, spectra). In the same framework, we have developed a new approach to the computation of the zonal wavenumber spectra of the kinetic energy of horizontal velocities (i.e., horizontal kinetic energy, HKE, spectra). The decomposition of both horizontal and vertical motions in terms of the Rossby and gravity waves within the same framework provides a consistent comparison of the zonal wavenumber horizontal and vertical energy spectra for the two regimes.
The full derivation can be found in J. Atmos. Sci. paper, The AGU 2022 talk is here.
New theoretical developments show that for every zonal wavenumber k, the limit VKE is proportional to the total mechanical energy and to the square of the frequency of the normal mode. The theory predicts a VKE ∝ k-5 and a VKE ∝ k1/3 power law for the Rossby and IG waves, assuming a k-3 and a k-5/3 power law for the Rossby and IG HKE spectra, respectively. The Kelvin and mixed Rossby-gravity wave VKE spectra are predicted to follow k-1 and k-5 power laws, respectively (Table 1).
The latitude-by-latitude and level-by-level HKE and VKE spectra applied to the ERA5 reanalysis data expose major latitudinal and seasonal variations i.e., anisotropy of both the horizontal and vertical energy distribution. The ERA5 data does not have an adequate resolution or representation of gravity waves. Therefore, the theoretical k1/3 power law for the IG VKE spectrum is found only in the stratosphere for k ≈ 10-60.
The inertial range IG VKE spectra in the tropical and midlatitude troposphere reflect a mixture of ageostrophic and convection-coupled dynamics and have slopes between -1 and -1/3, likely associated with too steep IG HKE spectra. The forcing by quasi-geostrophic ageostrophic motions is seen as an IG VKE peak at synoptic scales in the upper troposphere which gradually moves to planetary scales in the stratosphere.
The regime decomposition of vertical velocity paves the way for the decomposition of the vertical momentum fluxes due to the Rossby waves, IG waves, the Kelvin and mixed Rossby-gravity waves across scales that are currently being completed. For more details on this, contact Valentino Neduhal.
Table 1: Scaling laws for the frequency, the total mechanical energy I (sum of the kinetic energy of horizontal motions and available potential energy) and the vertical kinetic energy (E) as a function of the zonal wavenumber k. The wavenumber index k is used for the large scales tropical flows where both k and meridional mode index n are small.
Figure 1: (a)-(b) The horizontal and (c)-(d) vertical kinetic energy of (a), (c) Rossby and (b), (d) non-Rossby motions in the latitude belt 30°S-60°S in different layers, as indicated in the legend. Spectra are averaged for the ERA5 data in August 2018. Note that non-Rossby modes consist only of the IG modes in the extratropics. Adapted from
Žagar, N., V. Neduhal, S. Vasylkevych, Ž. Zaplotnik, and H. L. Tanaka, 2023: Decomposition of Vertical Velocity and Its Zonal Wavenumber Kinetic Energy Spectra in the Hydrostatic Atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 80, 2747–2767,