Current projects
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- Title: CLICCS C1
- Duration: 2019-2025
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. K. Heinke Schlünzen
- Title: COST 728 - WG 4
- Title: CliSAP flexible pool: Methyl halide emissions of mangroves at the coast of Belem (Brazil)
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen
- Title: Clisap B5
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen
- Title: FOCI
- Duration: 2022-2026
- Project lead: Dr David Grawe
- Title: Hamburg-2K
- Project lead: Dr David Grawe
- Title: IRO-2
- Duration: 2012-10 to 2014-09
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen
- Title: Integrated climate system analysis and prediction (CLISAP-D4): Urban systems
- Duration: 2007-11 to 2012-10
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen
- Duration: 2020-2023
- Project lead: Dr David Grawe
- Title: Machbarkeitsstudie Modellierung von Stadtklima
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen, Dr David Grawe
- Title: MetStröm
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen
- Title: UFOPLAN
- Duration: 2013-09 - 2016-03
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen
- Title: UrbMod
- Duration: 2015-01 to 2017-12
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen