Mesoscale and Microscale Modelling – MeMi
The MeMi group develops and applies numerical models for the investigation of sub-synoptic atmospheric processes and phenomena, their development (e.g. mountain breeze, urban heat island, flow around buildings) and their effects (e.g. ozone production, cloud development, extratropical cyclones). An inherent part of this work is the development of evaluation methods. Together with the EWTL group, MeMi contributes to current research in "Technical Meteorology" and disseminates results of the research through guidelines and simplified end-user model versions.
Atmospheric models of different complexity are developed, including three-dimensional couples atmosphere-ice-ocean models with chemistry moduls (gas phase and aerosol chemistry), as well as obstacle resolving models for wind, temperature, humidity, clouds. rainwater and concentrations.
Besides model studies for atmospheric tracer transport and urban climate within and above the obstacle layer, the development of local phenomena in future climate is investigated and methods are developed for numerical modeling. A further focus ist the development of generic evaluation methods and their specification for different applications of numerical model.
The MeMi group collaborates nationally and internationally with meteorological institutes as well as scientists of other fields (e.g. oceanography, gergraphy, biology, medicine, urban planning) and coordinates the research topic "Urban Systems" within the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability (CEN).