Student Council
The student council has the task to represent the interests of all students of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, to take care of their concerns and to help solve their problems. It is elected by the students of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at the beginning of each winter term and usually consists of 2 or 3 representatives from each semester.
We usually meet weekly during the lecture period and are open to student concerns throughout the year. We are usually the first point of contact for prospective students, fellow students and professors when it comes to study matters, problems or questions.
As a student council, we feel responsible for organising the first-year orientation week (first week of the winter term). We also provide Meteorology and Atmospheric Science hoodies.
To make sure that you have fun during your studies, we organise various social activities during the semester, such as semester parties, game nights, bar tours, summer and Christmas parties, joint trips to the StuMeTa and much more.
If you have any questions, criticism, suggestions, problems or similar, just come along to one of our next student council meetings! Our meetings are always open to visitors and your concerns.
Are you considering whether Meteorology/Atmospheric Science is the right study program for you, or do you have general questions or problems regarding your studies? Would you like to access old exam transcripts? Do you have interesting vacancies for student assistants, work experience or other information that we can share with our fellow students? Feel free to contact us at fsr.mi"AT"