Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric POLlution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation
- At Univesity of Hamburg: K. Heinke Schlünzen
- MEGAPOLI (whole project): Alexander Baklanov, Danish Meteorological Institute and Mark Lawrence, MPI for Chemistry, Mainz
- Meteorological Institute Heinke Schlünzen, Ole Ross, Ursula Bungert, David Grawe, Malte Uphoff, Michael Haller
- Institute for Geography: Jürgen Oßenbrügge, Sabine Schempp
- IER, Stuttgart: Jochen Theloke, Melinda Uzbasisch
- CAIR University of Hertfordshire: Ranjeet Sokhi
- King's College, London: Sue Grimmond
- and others in the MEGAPOLI collaboration
Funded by
- EU FP7 - MEGAPOLI, grant agreement 212520
- WP 2: Influence of Anthropogenic heat on simulated urban mesoscale meteorology (Ursula Bungert, Heinke Schlünzen)
- WP 5: Chemical Transport Modeling (Ole Roß, David Grawe, Malte Uphoff, Heinke Schlünzen) The M-SYS model METRAS with the Chemical Transport code MECTM will be applied for Europe and with higher resolution for the Rhine Ruhr region and Paris
- WP 7: Joint Evaluation framework and integrated tools for Megacity air quality and climate impact assessment (Heinke Schlünzen, Ole Roß)
- WP 8: Institute for Geography, Jürgen Oßenbrügge Various pathways of urban development in megacities are investigated and consequences for future emission scenarios are shown.
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Heinke Schlünzen
- Sponsor: EU FP7 - MEGAPOLI, grant agreement 212520