Group seminar on 22. June, 14:15 CET
Paper review: The Horizontal Spectrum of Vertical Velocities near the Tropopause from Global to Gravity Wave Scales
Valentino Neduhal
I will present a review of a paper from 2019. titled “The Horizontal Spectrum of Vertical Velocities near the Tropopause from Global to Gravity Wave Scales” by Ulrich Schumann from DLR institute of atmospheric physics.
Vertical motions are fundamental for atmospheric dynamics. Vertical wind drives conversion between potential and kinetic energy, gravity waves, and turbulence. Together with the spectrum of horizontal motions the W spectrum describes the atmospheric flow energetics as a function of spatial scales, determines the required resolution in numerical models and the amount of subgrid-scale contributions.
The main idea of this paper is to present a model which connects a horizontal spectrum of horizontal kinetic energy with a horizontal spectrum of vertical kinetic energy. After establishing the model, Schumman puts it to test, testing the validity of this connection against measurements and results from global and regional simulations.