Group seminar on 8. December, 14:15 CET
Cyclone tracking in ERA5 (1950-2019) and the future of mid-latitude storms
As of 9th November 2020, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has begun the release of ERA5 back extension data, which covers the period of 1950 to 1978. This preliminary version is succeeded by ERA5 reanalysis data from 1979 up to present time. How consistent are these two datasets in terms of extratropical cyclones and correlated weather and climate extremes?
In this presentation, I will describe the cyclone tracks I have produced for the Northern Hemisphere in both time periods. The focus is set on the North Atlantic – European sector during the winter season. Additionally, I will present a first approach to identify and analyse the most intense storms from these tracks.
In a second part, I will present key findings from a review article by Catto et al. (2019) ( on the future of mid-latitude storms.