Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
- Cloud microphysics: Study of unsteady diffusional growth of droplets in an environment with fluctuating properties, in particular, a fluctuating supersaturation field. The work would include the derivation of the evolution equations assuming spherical symmetry, its numerical solution, and a Monte Carlo method to obtain the evolution of a droplet size distribution..
- Lagrangian statistics in the convective boundary layer. Residence time of particles (e.g., droplets) in different regions of the boundary layer. The work would include working with a DNS code, implementing part of the evolution equations for the particles, performing 3d simulations and analysing the distributiong of residence times.
- Break-up of gravity waves: Simulation of different forms of break-up of a wave packet, e.g., by amplitude growth, by critical levels, or by non-linear interaction in beam collisions. The work would include working with a DNS code, defining the simulations and exploring the parameter space.
- Supersaturation in stratocumulus clouds: Study of finite-rate effects of phase change in warm stratocumulus clouds. The work would include working with a DNS code, implementing the source terms in the evolution equations, and exploring the parameter space.
- Irreversible processes in deep convection: Study the relative contribution from phase change and viscous dissipation to the irreversible terms in the entropy equation. The work would imclude working with a DNS code, implementing the source terms in the evolution equations, and exploring the parameter space.
- Modeling cloud formation in RANS and MLMs: Study the representation of moisture statistics and cloud formation in Reynolds-average Navier-Stokes and mixed-layer models. The work would include the derivation of the model equations, their numerical solution (e.g., using python) and the discussion of the effect of model assumptions and parameters on the results.