Precipitation and Attenuation Estimates from a High-Resolution Weather Radar Network (PATTERN)
In recent years novel, inexpensive high resolution weather radar (HRWR) systems have been developed, which can scan precipitation with spatial and temporal resolution of 60 m and 30 s respectively. Such precise information on precipitation is valuable both for research applications in hydrology, land-atmosphere exchange etc. and for operational use in flash flood warning systems. HRWR systems operate in the X-band frequency range which is affected by attenuation of the radar beam. Overlapping networks of HRWRs allow for a determination and correction of attenuation. Since precipitation rate and attenuation are closely correlated, the retrieved attenuation improves additionally the precipitation estimates.
This project aims at a comprehensive evaluation of this novel technology and intends to provide a reliable proof of concept. Additionally the measurements of the X-band radar network is combined with other precipitation sensors (micro rain radars (MRR), C-band radar, disdrometer, etc.).
Research goals and scientific questions in detail:
- Generation of multi-year data set of a real HRWR network consisting of four radars.
- Development and improvement of networked radar retrievals and algorithms
- Accuracy of network retrievals and algorithms in practice
- Exploring a novel absolute radar calibration procedure
- Create a rainfall product that combines advantages of several precipitation measuring instruments (X- and C-band radars, MRRs, disdrometers, rain gauges)
- Assessment of the potential of HRWR on local and regional scales by a comprehensive intercomparison with other radar products and by simulation of regional HRWR studies in observation systems simulation experiment (OSSE).
- The obtained high resolution precipitation data will be used for model validation within the project HD(CP)2 - O3 Integration
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- Duration: 2012-01 - 2017-12
- Sponsor: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)